“Boosting Health, Joy & Calm during COVID19 Distress”

This is a 5 part online course to shift your mood, awareness and employ precise physical practices to solidify your feelings of well being. Gary Scott Wurtz BA LMP PBP-AI is a Health Care Practitioner, Structural Medicine Specialist, Instructor, Facilitator, Performer and Artist.

Experience your Body’s natural Wisdom and Grace. R.E.A.L.M.


Class 1. The Relaxation Response & Resilience.

Class 2. Equanimity & Emotional Mastery.

Class 3. Awareness of Breath.

Class 4. Love your Vagus.

Class 5. Mindfulness Practices.


This class will be on the Zoom platform. Each class is 1.5 hours in length and will be recorded so you can review the class anytime you want. There will also be a slide deck of the materials we will be covering and the precise practices you will be adding to your daily self-care routine.



The cost is only $99 for the series of 5 classes. Please contact me regards to payment options. Thank You!

Class begins Friday, June 5th from 6 – 7:30 PM. After payment you will receive an email with the link for the classes. The class will run for five consecutive Fridays. You will be able to audit any ongoing classes anytime you like. I’d like to set up a free consult for this program to make sure you are a good fit for these classes. I look forward to hearing from you and seeing you soon.